how to talk about your gun violence prevention graduation honor cords
Students Demand Action is excited to distribute orange graduation honor cords to gun violence prevention advocates and survivors of gun violence who are graduating high school or college this year. The color orange honors the 120 lives cut short and the hundreds more wounded by gun violence everyday.
share your photo with us!
Share a photo of you wearing your orange honor cord on your Instagram grid and Twitter! Make sure to tag us @StudentsDemand. You can also email your photo to us at

sample language to accompany your photo on social media
Orange is the color of the gun violence prevention movement. As I graduate [high school/college] today, I #WearOrange [PERSONALIZE: Why do you wear orange? Who do you wear orange for?]. @StudentsDemand [ATTACH PHOTO]
Examples for personalization:
— For all the kids who don’t get to graduate because they were killed by gun violence.
— Because gun violence is the leading cause of death for children and teens in America.
— To bring attention to the fact that every day in America, 10 children and teens are shot and killed and 42 more are wounded.
— Make it your own!